Vadas József - Margit Kovács- A Life in Ceramics
Megjelenés: 2008-07-23
ISBN: 9789631357356
32 oldal
Ára: 1480 Ft
Margit Kovács- A Life in Ceramics
An enchanting blend of fairy tale and folk tale, naďveté and sophistication, the rural and the gentrified, the humorous and the deeply human, the ceramics of Hungarian artist Margit Kovács (1902-1977) were declared a national treasure at the time of her death. <br>
Though they grace many homes in Hungary and abroad, the best pieces have remained with the artist and are now on display at the Margit Kovács Ceramic Museum in Szentendre and the Margit Kovács Museum in her native town of Győr. The pieces illustrated in this book are all on display at the museum of Szentendre where part of the upper floor has been arranged with the artist's own furniture, her favourite pieces in place, just as she had left them in the apartment in a fashionable district of Budapest where she worked until her death.
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