A Brief History of Hungary

history_of_hungaryHungary has long been an integral part of Europe. Following the defeat of the Austro-Hungarian Dual Monarchy (1867-1918) at the end of World War I, Hungary lost two-thirds of its territory and nearly as much of its population. It experienced a brief but bloody communist dictatorship and counterrevolution in 1919. Hungary's transition to a Western-style parliamentary democracy was the first and the smoothest among the former Soviet bloc, inspired by nationalism that long had encouraged Hungarians to control their own destiny. The first free parliamentary election, held in May 1990, was a plebiscite of sorts on the communist past. The revitalized and reformed communists performed poorly despite having more than the usual advantages of an "incumbent" party.

If you want know more about Hungary, hungarian history, if you like beautiful paintings, historical photos don't miss this book!

Lázár István
A Brief History of Hungary
Corvina Kiadó, 2010


2010-06-25 08:08:33
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